... it scares me, mommy.
The calves are toothpicks, thighs are rippling masses of gelatin. Don't get me started on the hips. Translation: legs overall crap.
Torso... the torso... it's.... Translation: the best parts of the torso are the unseen parts.
... and the arms... oh my... Translation: the arms look like they were sculped from pudding by a bored frat boy.
The face is undeniably the most wrecked part right after the thighs. It looks like it belongs on a woman 300 pounds overweight that got lip surgery and a face lift. Translation: BUT-`ER FACE!
Now that the worst is over, I'll tell you what's good:
The coloring job, while the lineart is completely balls, is pretty spanktastic. Disptie the generic background, it has a sense of stylelization that persists for most of the figure. The only failings are the shadowing of the tail and face(that shit needs to stay in the dark as much as possible).
So here's my suggestion to you, mister Old Anime fan: GET SOME GOOD REFERENCES LIKE A MODEL BOOK OR SOME SUCH CRAP.
After that, you're golden...