A guide.
This is an awesome game that exceeds expectations, so I won't waste space explaining the obvious greatness.
The Attacks:
Sword: multipurpose, good for fast attacks at close quarters and breaking through annoying barriers that seperate you from your path and/or nice little goodies.
Shuriken: good for a decent long-ranged attack and preemptive sniping. Remember to touch the fallen stars you throw to get them back in your stock
Bomb: multipurpose, good for taking down otherwise impossible foes and obstacles.
The Enemies:
Niji (Purple) and Deezi (Green): Go down with one hit. Simply walk around and get in the way.
Badoomba (Fatass): Takes two regular hits to go down. Not very fast, but can get in your way alot more.
Kinne(Blue thingy): Takes one hit to die. Spits knives at you every two seconds.
Giz (Lil froggy): Annoying bugger that jumps around every second or so when you get near it. Takes one hit.
Madman (Flashing Purple): Sticks to the surface of walls. Very predictable. Goes only in one direction. Takes one bomb.
Karaka (Yellow): Moves up and down. Takes one hit.
Knives (Light Green): Pops outta the ground when you get in the room. Spits fireball after emerging. Takes one hit.
Eki (White/Red/Flashing Multicolor): Have a variety of movements. White only swings down and has delays between swings, red swings around in a circle, and Fla-Mul bounces around randomly. Takes one bomb.
Wum Wum (Dark Purple): Harmless stuff. Takes one hit.
Gror (Purple): Falls down when just about under it. Takes one bomb.
Nomit (White): Rushes you when you're on the same level. Takes one hit.
Trattip (Grey White): Acts like Deezi, only faster. Takes one hit.
Ripper (Red): Flys up and down diagonally. Takes one hit.
Magicloke (Orange): Stands still and teleports. Flings magic waves at you. Takes one hit.
Schimp (Purplish black): Acts like Deezi, only faster. Takes one hit from behind.
Dainon (Whitish Purple): Acts like Deezi, only slower. Takes one hit in the eye or one bomb.
Bahamut (Red): Flys around. Hit it until it dies.
The Strategies:
On blocks- The colors always change except for two kinds of blocks- the blockade blocks or the weak ones. The blockade blocks are always different in color, though not always. Silver and purple are the most frequently appearing. The weak blocks break nearly the instant you run over them, and are just about always brown.
When falling into a room with a nearby enemy, the downward strike can be an essential lifesaver. Kills everything in one blow except for invulnerable things like Dainon. The downward strike has a fast descent, so be careful when going through a row of gaps. The downward strike is not recommended for dispatching Trattips, for although you'll kill them, they'll take you with them with their spikes.
There are special rooms all over the place. You'll find them as funky-looking rooms, usually with a power-up or golden artifact inside, and has one silver block in its roof. To get into these, either stand over the silver block, press down, and attack with the sword a few times or just stick a bomb on the silver block. The artifacts are usually about 10000 points, so it's worth the effort. Back doors can appear in these rooms, instead, though.
Bombs explode in a one-block radius around them, so remember to keep at least that far away from them when you let `em loose.
Back doors(Green) stop the counter and send you down a few levels. You get no points for using these. Enter them by pressing up.
Warp gates stop the movement of enemies around you, thus giving you the space to move around quickly. Your counter doesn't stop, though, so be fast about it. Exit the warp mode by finding another warp gate and activating it. Enter these by pressing up.
It is best to be ready to fling shuriken whenever you enter a floor, so be vigilant.
Keep your fingers on all the attack buttons- you never know when you'll need a star or a bomb or a quick slice. Same with the directional buttons.
~Hope this helps you guys! : )