... that was my reaction to Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
I dunno. Everybody's got a game that turns them on.
... that was my reaction to Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
I dunno. Everybody's got a game that turns them on.
Uber awesome.
School the way it's meant to be seen!
Pretty Good!
Seeing as Egoraptor nevar evar did a Dead Space vignette, it was only a matter of time before someone took that opportunity.
Thanks for making the Dead Space section of Newgrounds just a little less sucky. Thank you for you contribution.
On a slightly different note, would a sequel be not out of the question? It would be fun if you'd tackle the series again...
Just about the most assumptive I've seen so far.
No actual basis of multi-sourced proof for these various cutesy claims, simply a leap of faith down the rabbit hole.
The bloviation on the subject of the Dogons fails to mention that Sirius's star system is heavily based in their very old tribal religion, over many hundreds of years. Even if it's pretty hard to see, with enough obsessive commitment to study, it can be seen. However, the parts about aliens and EMGs... not exactly the most factual basis.
The Sphinx lecture is at best, a heap of desperate fridge logic. The concentration on one group of scientists and the purposeful ignorance of all the others, as well as the diversionary jab at Islam, and forcefully linking this with some theory about the constellational periods does not make this a winning argument if one actually thinks about this. The origins, makings, and even stylings of the Sphinx are still under heavy amounts of scientific debate that will not cease for a while yet, and claiming anything about it at this time will show nothing but willful ignorance on your part. Far from the "accepted evidence" you claim in this video, I daresay.
Also, I'd like to add that Atlantis's existence, whilst a cute story, will remain so until we actually find it in totality and properly identify it. For all you know, it could have been just a philosophical allegory. By the way, having watched this through a few times (so as to get my cynical rebuttal straight), I find it amusing that you call the philosophers a "dumber" culture than the preceding cultures. Such profound ignorance, I must say...
But, back to going down the chronological list, I will continue on with the posed question about the speeding-up of information. Uh, dude, you've forgotten about the loss of the bulk of the Library of Alexandria. What if that missing collection of scrolls had most of the knowledge we gained up to the time of the widespread Renaissance? You seem to forget that tragedy of humanity.
In any case, linking up the "age of information" with this pseudomystical "age of aquarius" does not make any cohesive sense. If not for anything else, then for the fact that how did this chronological system come into play in the first place? Remember, in those days, everything had a mystical and/or religious explanation, so people will look for supernatural stuff in things even when it isn't there.
Continuing on with this discussion, I'd like to let you in on something: THERE ARE NO "GALACTIC WINDS". Various physical forces are at work, but WIND (or whatever cute term you pop onto something) is not.
What I love about the bit about waking and sleeping is that it shows that you obviously don't know a thing about the studies behind the mechanics of sleep or the how the biological clock of an organism relates to it- or the psyche of the organism, for that matter. Then again, you might be talking in New Age jargon again, so I'll just move on...
And next we have- OH GOD. THIS IS RICH.
You placed values on knowledge as if some knowledge was more valuable than others. Sorry to tell you this, hon', but all [founded] knowledge is important. Just because the scientists of today are not infatuated with how the Earth's rotation moves with the pulls and pushes of the Sun and the Earth's Moon does not mean we are any less intelligent as a human race.
The hating on the deconstructing of knowledgable society and its re-emerging in a different form (the Fall of Rome to "Dark" Ages and Medieval times) is silly, as the human race benefited from in in a variety of ways, such as the studies of things like alchemy, political systems, and economic systems. This probably wouldn't matter to you, seeing as you're all for this "bigger than me" mysticism, but this stuff had some actual purpose in shaping the world and sciences of today(alot).
Now we move on to the concluding statements.
Yet again, you discredit cold logic in favor for overly arty idealism.
Science is the practice of the studying of the world. Get over it.
And that's a wrap.
Extensive Bloviation... Geez...
As per the usual, the tone is condescending and presumptuous, and the material used has been stretched to accomodate a painfully simplistic - and most obviously naive- worldview.
The psychologies of the hemispheres of the brain, usually referred to by their placement in the sides of the cranium, are sometimes called by their "gender". Jordan decided to take this concept and run with it, stereotyping and hack-n-slashing the bits and pieces of the physical psychological studies to his advantage.
What's cute about this is that the male and female hemispheres are anthropomorphized into simplistic and somehow completely seperate things. Unlike world issues, these two things are part of the same mind, hence the complex carried out with these hemispheres in tandem.
The hilarious part is that the author blames the world's problems on the logical part of the brain, when in fact it is the sensibilities stemming from the moral psychology that cripple an otherwise smoothly running world-machine of economics and politics. Not only this, but poor Jordan actually takes the time to put in a none-too-subtle jab at his critics from previous videos. Immature? Most definitely.
But that's not the point.
The author has the delusion that if there were more right-brained people, the world would balance out like a set of scales or a third grade economics chart. However, as proven by the trials of history, this is far from the case in any situation, and any manipulation forced by politician or whomever to change it or most "natural" events or phenomena that dramatically changes the atmosphere has some very credibly detremental effects- I hope everybody here remembers the stimulus package and the redistribution of wealth ideology from two years ago? Good. That's an idea of what attempts to dramatically change something does.
Now, for the philosophy the author has likely been choking down for less than two years of his life (hopefully), it seems that hope rests in the hands of the ADD/ADHD psychopath kids, which are lovingly dubbed "Indigo Children" by the author's hippie-esque heroes.
Here's a clue about ADD- it's mainly in the male gender for a reason- IT'S A TESTOSTERONE BASED CONDITION. There's nothing mysterious about it, nor is there anything wrong with the boys who have it. The girls, however.... that's a legitimate disorder. ADHD is a legit disorder as well(but for both genders), but I've yet to meet a person with it that had actualized his IQ above that of the average human being, so tough luck there, bubbie.
The blanket statements that seem to apply to quite a few of the people watching this should not be surprised- this is adolescent youths in a nutshell. There's nothing unique or special about you being nervous or eager to make a name for yourself, because this is a healthy part of the human developmental process. However, the number of people who have already bought into this horseshit has proven to me that they are either desperate to find something to fill their empty lives... or they've forgotten what they were like whem they were young.
In the advent of parents rushing to make their kids seem special with all these cute sounding conditions and disorders and IQ ranges, this shouldn't come as a surprise to any of you. It's the culmination of the idiotic worship of the common youth with the usual subscheme of shaping said youth.
How's about we get off our asses and make our own identities, as opposed to buying into this crap? I don't care if I'm labeled a left-brained, closed-minded goon by the neophytes of the fictitious religion, because I don't need to prove that I actually gave thought and consideration, weighed the various points, and found it still came up short on a number of scales.
Now, while cutesy idealism is all well and good, this artificing an organized worldview from an essentially ignorant standpoint has got to be one of the biggest time wasting undertakings ever perceived. But this is part of the historical cycle, too, so I don't give that much of a damn.
I bid you all good day ; }
Oh my, where do i start.
For one, our "moral psychology" that is crippling the otherwise smoothly running world comes from our constricted left brain. Everyone has a one-track mind, so over time our web of world economics and politics have gotten very tight.
for two, the world is going to balance out because of our female side of the brain. But it's going to do so through everyone. Not just a bunch of women. More women will be taking power within the next few years though, and there will be many big changes that will take place.
for three, not all ADD kids are indigo's, and not all indigo's have ADD.
As you'll see soon enough, this isn't just some ignorant standpoint making critiques of what's going on. I am going somewhere with this, and it will be legendary. I'm happy you're taking the time to watch it.
I am that I am, there's no reason to attack. Thanks for the review :)
Yet more bollocks
Empathic communication and emotional sensitivity is not particular spiritual or mystic or requiring some type of training or exercise. You only need to be emotionally alive and attentive. Nothing more.
The channeling bit I found to be bollocks because attempting to be or being a spiritual medium has always been a big bowl of bad for many reasons, prime among them being it basically makes you an irritating, self-deluded pariah, believing that communing with "spiritual beings" is of utmost importance and that it opens up a gateway to all things in a moment of complete vulnerability ("channeling" is not like dial-up internet connections, though intention is something that's focused). Channeling is an arcane practice that has lost favor in any proper mystical or spiritual society due to the fact that A: it forces things that shouldn't be forced and B: More often than not, you end up talking to some part of your mind, rather than an actual spiritual entity- "accomplished" modern channelers are likely the most psychologically dishonest people among mankind today because of this.
On the subject of convening with animals- animals are open emotionally, due to their lack of need for complex languages or codes. Dogs are intelligent(usually) emotional creatures, hence their availability. Cats are underevolved little useless pieces of fluff with no actual emotionality or thought process to speak of, not to mention they are incredibly selfish. Horses are simplistic, stupid creatures with nothing really going on in there except the instinctual drives. Channeling a "lower animal" is, in actuality, simple emotional availability and attentiveness. Nothing more.
Moving to Tobias and his removal from the Bible: The church extricates and disuses various books collected into the Holy Bible based on lack of divine inspiration and pure uselessness as a text. Even after the Protestant Reformation and King James's butchery of the sacred text, he didn't foolishly add back in defunct spiritual literature to the his text's compendium (perhaps he was having too much fun making sure the phrasing was convenient enough for him...). The clegymen of the church have and do study the sacred Scripture for most of their lives, and thus have the knowledge and intellectual authority to go into the depths of the Bible and strike out false or unrelated texts to the God of Abraham and the Messiah. Thus, Tobias, whomever he is, is irrelevant to the Church for a damn plausible reason, thought this wouldn't matter to a snobby New Ager high off his own fumes, would it?
One fallacy I noticed was that you had stated early on that words weren't used in channeling, but rather concepts, sensations, and emotions. Then at the end you backpedal to say that there are some wonky little codewords that these nebulous beings use to transmit their thoughts and ideas. I dunno how you differentiate, but this to me just says people are incredibly confused about what is actual channeling and what ideas they can sell to people so that they will buy some crappy guide to figuring it out.
This series has had all the intellectual solidity of a sugar high chihuahua, but I've been expecting it from the start, so it's past anything even vaguely new. Sheesh.
I disagree! In lesson 4 i talk about how you need both experience and logical understanding to understand something. It's clear you've never experienced channeling, so right there, how do you know?
Now, Channeling was once used all the time in the ancient times. Do you know what precession of the equinox is? There's a reason that we were able to channel, and then lost our intimate connection with higher realms, and are getting it back again. because of our position in the cosmos over a 26,000 year period. We were falling asleep the last 13,000 years, but right now were beginning to wake up. In the ancient times, we had a higher consciousness so channeling was normal. Then we dropped, and began to do it less and less. Now were just on the returning curve of the precession of the equinox, so were beginning to do it again. That will be in spirit science 5.
Moving on, of course animals are open emotionally. And it's those emotions that you are able to connect with mentally, and communicate as such. You say cats have no emotional or thought process, but we know that's not true. Plus then you say "are selfish", but how can they be selfish if they have no thought process? Channeling a "lower conscious animal" is very real. Until you learn to do it yourself, you won't REALLY know how real it is. But when it happens, your world opens up.
Just because the tobias book seemed useless as a text, doesn't mean it was a text. I merely brought it up because i thought it was interesting. It has nothing to do with the importance of the text itself.
This series may not have intellectual solidity that you're looking for (yet), but it's very wise. I know what i'm talking about whether you understand it or not. Besides, i don't want to be "smart" anyways. Intelligence is over-rated. Wisdom is where it's at. Wise, intuitive. It's not what you know, it's how you use what you know.
I didn't watch this for so long because of my apprehension at it being popular, and, thus, stupid.
However, this isn't stupid at al- okay it actually relies on stupid humor alot. But it delivers it in such a clever way!
Please make more like this at some point. And let's hope it's spiffy!
Howeva, could we have a longer sequel to this? I know it would take an age and lots of effort on several people's parts, but I feel this could do with a good followup. Perhaps with more characters like Saladfingers, Bitey, and Fernando, with villain being Piconjo that time around.
Just an idea. Pretty good, but could be a bit better with longer scenes. But that's not something to shit bricks about, so I'll give it a four outta five for being mostly perfect.
I do agree, however, with the dude that gave you a 5 outta 10, tho', because so little is given to us. Perhaps it's just pressing for time, but we could do with more action to explain this plot a bit better...
But I'm content for now. Good luck with future projects, friend!
At least this time little kids weren't the hapless victims...
However, I've always wondered- how the hell does one spit up blood when one gets punched in the guts(intestines, that is). I mean, there's about ten yards or so of compacted tubes inside you, and yet, somehow, the hemorraging ends up sending fluids far enough to end up evacuating the mouth? Quite honestly, it's definitely more likely for people to be shitting blood from attacks like that than vomiting it...
Sarcastic, poignant, legendarily weird. That is all you need to know.
Age 26, Male
Joined on 3/5/08